The drug case has once again created a stir in the Telugu film industry. Producer KP Chowdary was arrested by the police in a drug case a few days ago. After that, shocking facts are coming out in the investigation of police. KP’s phone data and photos revealed the names of many actresses linked to the case. Surekha Vani herself responded to this, and she requested the media to stop the drug allegations on her. In a video posted on social media, she said she had nothing to do with drugs.
Actress Surekha Vani has been prominently accused in the list of who were attached with the case. There were rumors that she had taken drugs. Several netizens commented that surekha vani was under the influence of alcohol and drugs after a photo of her kissing KP Chowdary on the cheek went viral. She responded to this herself.
‘Kabali’ Telugu producer and distributor Krishna Prasad Chowdary (KP Chowdhary) was arrested in connection with the drugs case. He was taken into custody and the details were collected by intercepting Chowdhary’s mobile call data and WhatsApp chats. Bigg Boss fame Ashu Reddy, actress Surekha Vani and Jyothi’s phone number were found on his call list and WhatsApp. There was also a lot of news about Surekha Vani and she requested the media to stop the drug allegations on her.
“These allegations are affecting my future. The future of my children and the dignity of my family will be lost. I have nothing to do with it. I request you not to circulate rumors,” Surekha Vani said in the video.