Taapsee Pannu who made her debut in Tollywood with Raghavendra Rao’s Jhummandi Naadam in 2010 is eyeing to come back to Tollywood with her next movie. Started her career in Tollywood, the talented actress did movies in Kollywood and then moved to Bollywood. She created a mark for herself in Bollywood with very good script selection. Taapsee came to Telugu audience with some dubbing movies. But now she is coming with a straight Telugu film ‘Mishan Impossible’ under the direction of Swaroop RSJ.
Swaroop RSJ made his directorial debut with the super hit movie Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya. The young and talented director is now coming with a thriller titled Mishan Impossible.
The movie is scheduled to release on 1st April. So the makers are now concentrating on promotions. As a part of it, Superstar Mahesh babu will launch the movie’s theatrical trailer tomorrow. Mahesh will always extend his support for promoting the films by releasing songs and launching trailers. So the makers approached superstar for trailer’s release. Mishan Impossible is produced by Niranjan Reddy and Anvesh Reddy under the banner of Matinee Entertainment. Music is composed by Mark K. Robin and Editing is handled by Ravi Teja Girijala.