Super star Mahesh Babu has set Hyderabad box office on fire. Advance Bookings of Sarkaru Vaari Paata are massive for the opening day. The Telugu version of the film’s advance bookings are now a non RRR record. The film has crossed 7.2 crores for the opening day. This is big record and also a huge relief to the nizam distributors after the poor performance of Acharya. The film is releasing on May 12th.
RRR stands on top with 10.5 crores followed by Sarkaru Vaari Paata and Bheemla Nayak with 6.17 crores, Radhe Shyam with 6.16 crores, Pushpa:The Rise with 5.89 crores, KGF Chapter 2 with 6.2 crores and Acharya with 4.9 crores.
The film has made good pre release business with close to around 120 crores. The film has already impressed the audiences with the trailer and songs. The trailer alone crossed more than 27 Million Views in 24 hours making a sensational record. The songs of the film too increased the hype. The team and Mahesh Babu are looking very confident about the film.