Sundeep Kishan’s latest film, Ooru Peru Bhairavakona, premiered two days before its official release on February 14th. While reviews were mixed, the film managed to collect over ₹1 crore from paid premiers. However, its full release on February 16th saw an average start in Telugu states, likely due to mixed word-of-mouth.
The film had a strong opening in overseas, especially in North America. On Day 1 (including premiers), it earned a promising $135,000. As per the team, the film earned over ₹1 crore from paid premiers and its official worldwide gross collections are ₹6.03 crores on Day 1.
Ooru Peru Bhairavakona collected a share of 2 crores on day 1 in Telugu states including premiers. Rights are valued at 10 crores and film managed to only recover 20% on its opening day. Total overseas and ROI share is around 60L. Worldwide opening day share is 2.6Cr (Average start).
Film should continue same momentum in North America and A big jump required in Telugu states over the weekend to achieve the breakeven. Directed by Vi Anand and produced by Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments, the film also stars Varsha Bollamma and Kavya Thapar.