Sundeep Kishan’s 34th birthday brought in an announcement on his upcoming movie. The actor has joined hands yet again with Disco Raja fame director Vi Anand. Rajesh Danda is producing the movie and it is billed as a supernatural fantasy. This will be the second movie for Sundeep with Vi Anand after the 2015 film Tiger.
Sharing the announcement poster on social media, director Vi Anand extended his gratitude to Sundeep. The tweet read, “#Tiger with you was a film that gave me an identity. Your trust was a turning point in my life. Thank you for being you and standing by me through and through. Happy birthday my tiger!!@sundeepkishan @RajeshDanda_ #HBDSundeepKishan”
Meanwhile, Sundeep is gearing up for his upcoming film Gully Rowdy. The film’s trailer released recently and was well appreciated. G Nageswara Reddy, who’s known for the comedy genre is wielding the megaphone for this movie. This will be his second collaboration with Sandeep after Tenali Ramakrishna BA. BL.