Viva Harsha, the renowned comedian of this generation in Tollywood is playing the lead role in the upcoming film which is titled Sundaram Master. Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja is producing the film. Rt Team Works and Golden Media banners are jointly producing the film. Recently, the first look poster of the movie was released and it received a good response. Now the teaser of the movie has been launched in a grand manner in Visakhapatnam. The teaser of Sundaram master offers freshness and excellent entertainment.
Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej, directors Chandoo Mondeti and Sudheer Varma were the guests at the launch event. The teaser was released by Ravi Teja on social media. The teaser is full of entertainment. Harsha, who supposedly comes to teach the education to the tribal in a forest area, gets a big shock there. Because the tribes there speak English fluently and appear to be very intelligent.
Looking at the teaser, it appears that the director has made the scenes between Harsha and the villagers in a very comical way. Overall, the teaser maintained the raised levels among the audiences with its freshness all over. Sundaram Master film seems to be a nice blend of entertainment and unique plot.
Kalyan Santhosh is the director of the film. Divya Sripada plays the female lead. Sri Charan Pakala is composing music for the film. It is yet to be announced when the film will be released. As of now, the teaser was very much successful in job of creating anticipation around the film. It appears that this movie will join the list of films that have come as small films and became super hits at the box office like in the recent past.