Tamil Actor cum Director, Sundar C is currently working for Aaranmanai 4 starring Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna. The Film’s trailer has already been released recently in Tamil. What surprised everyone was a poster released by the team today on the occasion of Ugadi. With this poster, it is evident that Sundar C has planned the film, Aaranmanai 4 as a partial Bi-lingual of Telugu language as well. The film is also titled Baak.
Comedians Srinivasa Reddy and Vennela Kishore appeared along with Tamannaah, Raashi Khanna, and Sundar C. This indicates that comedy portions involving these actors were shot in Telugu for the audience. Aaranmanai series enjoys popularity among Telugu audiences as well. The film was released as Chandrakala and the sequel was Kalavathi. Both these films received a bit of hype but the third part failed here. So Sundar C must have concentrated on using this now. He earlier did this for a film Something Something starring Siddarth and Hansika. Brahmanandam played a role along with Siddarth in that film.
But choosing the title Baak felt different. The film was titled Aaranmanai 4 in Tamil. We have to wait and see what Baak is. The Telugu Trailer may release in the coming days while the film is scheduled to release on 26th April.