Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan unit had impressed the Tamil Cinema audiences with its audio release event. Everyone is said that Jawan film’s audio release event was conducted in last week, and today it was officially released on Sun TV. While the SRK fans are busy in. sharing the entertaining tidbits from the event, the fans of Thalapathy Vijay are firing on the Sun TV team.
Because they are blaming the Sun TV team that they trimmed a part of Director Atlee’s speech wherein he was praising Vijay. However, today the team of Sun TV took to its official Twitter account and clarified that the editing was not done by them, but still, Vijay fans feel it was Sun TV’s hate towards Vijay which made them remove the part from Atlee’s speech.
Earlier in the event, Director Atlee thanked actor Vijay for bringing the project to life. “He was the one who motivated me to go out of my comfort zone.” The director also drew a nostalgic parallel to something that happened 13 years ago when he was an assistant director. “When I was working in Shankar sir’s Enthiran, I stood outside Shah Rukh sir’s house in Bombay, looked at that big gate, and took a picture. Now, after 13 years, those gates opened for me… so maybe, prayers do work.”
Jawan has cinematography by GK Vishnu and editing by Ruben. Produced by Gauri Khan and co-produced by Gaurav Verma, the Red Chillies Entertainment-produced action entertainer is all set to be released in theaters on September 7.