Pawan Kalyan and Director Sujeeth’s film, They Call Him OG’s shooting has been happening for a long time. Pawan Kalyan is busy currently with his political planning and tours. He is also simultaneously working for Harish Shankar’s directorial Ustaad Bhagat Singh and Krish’s periodical film, Hari Hara Veera Mallu. The teaser of Ustaad Bhagat Singh was released recently.
Pawan Kalyan is said to be showing much interest in OG and he already allotted dates for the film. He worked for the film in parts and is all set to join the shooting this May. May 13 marks the election date of AP where his party is contesting for the elections. He will immediately join the shooting after the conclusion of the election.
Sujeeth on the other hand had committed to other films as well. He is presently working with Nani and the film has been officially announced recently. Sujeeth has also planned for some locations to shoot OG. He posted a picture on Instagram today where he was on location scout for some action episodes for OG. OG will be released on 27th September this year. The film’s glimpse was also released where Pawan Kalyan is presented as a Mumbai-based don. Priyanka Mohan plays a crucial role in the film. Bollywood Actor Emraan Hashmi was also brought on board for the film.