Suhas, the promising young actor of Telugu cinema, has been making waves with his performances in films like ‘Colour Photo’ and ‘Writer Padmabhushan’. He is now ready to entertain the audience with his upcoming film “Ambajipeta Marriage Band.” The film produced jointly by GA2 Pictures and director Venkatesh Maha’s Mahayana Motion Pictures, the film is coming also under the banner of Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment.
The film is directed by newcomer Dushyanth Katikineni, and it is creating quite a buzz among movie lovers with its promotional content. The first song from the album became a superhit already. The second song “Maa Ooru Ambajipeta” which has been released today is set to rock the music charts.
It was unveiled today on X (Twitter) Spaces by Hanuman star Teja Sajja who wished the entire team all the best. Director Sandeep Raj, Suhas, and singer Kaala Bhairavaa were also present in the space and they talked a lot. Coming to the song, it is a perfect blend of mass and class beats, and the earthy vocals of National Award-winning singer Kaala Bhairavaa are a major highlight of this energetic number.