Actress Isha Chawla made a successful debut a decade ago with Adi starter Prema Kavali but has been away from Tollywood for a while. The actress later went on to co-star with Balakrishna in Srimannarayana and Sunil in Poolarangadu. There were also rumours of her featuring in Bigg Boss Telugu but Esha has revealed that she is currently busy with her ongoing projects.
She will be playing a blind girl in her upcoming film which also features Kamal Kamaraju. It’s my most challenging role yet,” she says, and reveals that the film is a remake of Spanish thriller Julia’s Eyes, told from the perspective of the girl.
Speaking about her experience of playing such a challenging role, the actress said that it was both physically as well as mentally gruelling. “I had a major fall during a chase sequence. My foot got caught in something, and since I was blindfolded, I couldn’t maintain my balance and crashed on to some barbed wire. I was injured and rushed to the hospital, where I was given first aid. But it was worth all the injuries, ” she stated.