Featuring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao in lead roles, Stree 2: Sarkate Ka Aatank is a horror comedy film directed by Amar Kaushik. A direct sequel to the blockbuster Stree (2018), it hit the big screens on the eve of Independence Day.
Following a rave reception, Stree 2 broke numerous records at the box office before slowing down at a worldwide gross of INR 775 crore. Most notably, this film surpassed the Hindi figures of Bahubali: The Conclusion (2017) and Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan (2023).
Talking about its digital premiere, Stree 2 will be available for streaming from September 27th exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. Considering its phenomenal box-office run, this horror comedy is expected to have record viewership on OTT. Follow us for more such exciting updates.