Stree 2 starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao is rocking the box office after its release. The film had a sensational opening day and weekend performance at the box office. So much so that Stree 2 has now broken Kalki 2898 AD’s hindi records. Kalki 2898 AD stands as the highest Hindi grosser of the year which now happens to be Stree 2.
The Holiday advantage has been completely used by Stree 2. The film is in no mood to slow down anytime. The Extended weekend gross is close to 195.5 crores worldwide. Monday which was Bandh too contributed around 36 crores. Tuesday and Wednesday added 26 and 20 crores respectively. The total 6 days India Nett is now around 278 crores worldwide.
Stree 2 is all set to join 500 crore club worldwide without a doubt. The film has a terrific hold on the week days. This is an amazing performance for a sequel. The team and the lead actors would be very happy for this performance and they will now be concentrating on Stree 3. Akshay Kumar would be playing the antagonist role which was even leaked in Stree 2. Varun Dhawan will also be a part of this film.