Acharya starring Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan directed by Koratala Siva ended up as the biggest disaster ever in Tollywood. The film which carried hype before the release because of the film being a mega multi-starrer didn’t make any good result. The director Koratala Siva was the major sufferer for this result as he waited almost 4 years to release this film. Now it looks Koratala Siva is still in safe position even after compensating the Acharya losses.
Due to some conflicts during the shoot, Koratala Siva has taken entire movie by giving 5cr profit to Matinee Entertainments and for Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan he had paid 50cr and 20 cr remuneration. The making cost was around 60 crores. Film’s theatrical and non theatrical rights were around 185 crores. Now Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan promised to return the remuneration of some percentage and matinee entertainments has returned 5cr remuenration by releasing the movie in prime early. The movie is getting an additional amount which they are compensating the buyers. But the main loss is releasing the film in his own 3 territories where the film has collected very low. But Koratala Siva finally is in safe side after compensating the losses.