Star director Shankar has got his hands full at the moment. On one hand, he has projects such as RC 15 and on the other hand, he is aiming to launch his children onto silver screen. Shankar’s daughter Aditi is making her acting debut with the film ‘Viruman’ alongside Karthi. She has also signed her next movie ‘Corona Kumar’ to star opposite actor Simbu.
Following his sister’s path will be Shankar’s son Arjith, who will also be making his debut soon. This debut is going to be as grand as any of Shankar’s films. Reportedly, Arjith’s debut film would be a sequel to 2004 blockbuster ‘Kaadhal‘ (Premisthe). The film back in those days emerged as a massive blockbuster and ran successfully not just in Tamil Nadu, but in Kerala and AP as well.
Balaji Shakthivel, who directed the original will be handling this film as well. Balaji is a long-term associate of the ace director. Incidentally, Shankar himself produced the 2004 blockbuster. The star director is keeping close tabs on all the developments and is personally involved in the project and ensuring that Arjith get’s a grand and successful launch.
Arjith has undergone training in acting and filmmaking. His debut project will be of the romantic genre but with a fresh approach.