The craze around SSMB29, the first-ever film in the combination of Superstar Mahesh Babu and India’s Biggest Director SS Rajamouli is growing with each day. The Pre-production works of the film started long back. Mahesh Babu also took part in the workshops from a long time ago. The latest news is that SSMB29 has started shooting.
As said above, the workshops for this big film were already started and recently, actress Priyanka Chopra joined the team. Now there is a buzz in industry circles that the shoot itself started along with the workshops, and all the rehearsals are done.
According to a few closed sources, Rajamouli’s recent Instagram post itself is an indirect hint at shooting. Reportedly, SSMB29 has started shooting and it is happening currently at the Aluminum Factory. Also, a huge set’s work is happening in RFC. A big portion of SSMB 29 will happen in RFC, and there will be a long schedule planned in Africa, along with many foreign countries.
Rajamouli is putting everything related to the film so private, and most likely he will reveal all the details with an official press meet which is expected to happen after some portion of shooting gets completed. The film is a full-length action-based film, and it is the biggest Indian film to date. The makers of SSMB 29 are targeting the 2027 summer release.