Brahmastra starring Ranbir Kapoor, Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan, and Alia Bhatt has got a massive boost. The superhero film which is directed by Ayan Mukherjee will be presented by SS Rajamouli in the southern languages.
Brahmastra has been in making for quite some time and the anticipation has now risen to great heights with this interesting announcement. SS Rajamouli made this announcement at a glittering Telugu motion poster launch event held in Hyderabad earlier today.
Karan Johar, whose Dharma Productions is producing this big-budget extravaganza had announced this film way back in 2017. Both Karan Johar and SS Rajamouli share a great professional and personal rapport. Ranbir will play a superhero in the film while Nagarjuna will essay the role of an archeologist. Amitabh Bachchan will feature as a professor and Alia Bhatt as Ranbir’s love interest.
The film will be released in three parts and is one of the most awaited pan-India films at the moment. Brahmastra is slated to release on 9th September 2022 and the subsequent parts will be announced soon.