SS Rajamouli replaced the DOP for Mahesh Babu. It is widely known that Superstar Mahesh and the renowned and legendary director Rajamouli are joining hands for their biggest upcoming film. While the fans were waiting for the film’s update, there was a sudden influx of rumors about this iconic next film. Everyone felt a bit surprised with the news that SS Rajamouli replaced the DOP for Mahesh Babu.
Rajamouli’s career began with various cinematographers, including Hari Anumolou for Student No. 1 and Ravindra Babu for Simhadri. His relationship with KK Senthil is something special, which started with the film Sye. Senthil was the sole cameraman for most of his films, notably Magadheera, Eega Bahubali 1 & 2, and the recent RRR, but Sarvesh Murari and C Ram Prasad were also involved in Vikramarkudu and Maryada Ramanna. With Mahesh’s film being a visual effects spectacle, many people thought Senthil would be the default choice but it is being reported that PS Vinod will be cranking the camera for SSMB29.
Reportedly, the team is almost in the completion stage of the story. The play of the film and pre-production works will start next year beginning, and the shooting is expected to begin in April 2024. In the meantime, the news of SSR replacing Senthil has come out.
Senthil is said to be switching his profession to direction and is now interested in directing a film. So, if he signs Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli’s film, he will need to wait for many years, so he expressed the same to Rajamouli, which is why the RRR director had to replace him with PS Vinod.