Sudheer Babu’s upcoming film Sridevi Soda Centre is being promoted on a massive scale all over. Now the makers are going to take it a step forward and are going to involve Tollywood’s biggest stars in the promotions. Superstar Mahesh Babu, Rebelstar Prabhas, and Mega Power Star Ram Charan will be promoting the movie through their social media platforms.
The action drama which will feature Aanandhi opposite Sudheer Babu has been in making for quite some time. The recently released song ‘Mandhuloda’ along with the film’s teaser has evoked good curiosity.
The movie has reportedly come out well much to the maker’s satisfaction. This is the reason the rights of the movie for Telugu states were bought by ace producer Lakshman for a whopping 9crores. This is a big sum in these conditions and seeing his confidence, the distributors are also enthusiastic about the movie.
Mahesh Babu will be releasing the trailer later this week. Prabhas has also interacted with the team and extended his support. The movie is set for a release on 27th August and all eyes will be on Sudheer Babu to see if he can score a hit with the support of the industry’s big stars.