Amid rumors of his break-up with Chiranjeevi’s daughter Sreeja, her ex-husband actor Kalyaan Dhev seems to be indirectly hinting to the world that he is not in touch with Sreeja anymore. His latest emotional post on Instagram about his daughter further strengthens the rumors of this couple’s separation as he wrote in the post that he is spending only 4 hours time in a week with his daughter, Navishka.
The couple has not made any official statement regarding their divorce yet, but there have been constant rumors from the local media about their separation. Sreeja is reportedly staying with both her daughters.
When Sreeja removed the name of Kalyaan Dhev from her social media, rumors of divorce spread. Later, Sreeja was seen at Mega Family events without Kalyaan Dhev and divorce news has become stronger. After the issue of Sreeja’s differences came out, Kalyaan Dev’s 2 movies Super Machchi and Kinnerasani were released.
Netizens are commenting that Kalyan Dhev, who has been only posting his pictures with Navishka on Instagram, has given complete clarity with the latest post. “The best 4 hours I spend every week” reads Kalyaan Dhev’s latest post on Instagram.
Sreeja married Kalyaan Dhev on March 18, 2016, and he is the son of a jeweler and businessman based in the USA. The couple was blessed with a girl. She also has another daughter with her ex-husband Sirish Bharadwaj.