SR Kalyanamandapam starring Kiran Abbavaram and Priyanka Jawalkar has done close to 5.5Cr Theatrical pre release business worldwide. It is all to to release on August 6th. The film is directed by Sridhar Gade and Produced by Pramod & Raju. With good trailer and youthful songs the film garnered good attention in the masses. Checkout area wise detailed pre release business
SR Kalyanamandapam Worldwide Pre Release Business
AREA | Pre Business |
Nizam | 1.08 Cr |
Ceded | 0.81 Cr |
Uttarandhra | 0.72 Cr |
Guntur | 0.5 Cr |
East Godavari | 0.45 Cr |
West Godavari | 0.36 Cr |
Krishna | 0.45 Cr |
Nellore | 0.27 Cr |
AP/TS | 4.64 Cr |
ROI | 0.4 Cr |
Overseas | 0.4 Cr |
Worldwide | 5.44 Cr |
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