Netflix’s blockbuster Korean web series Squid Game will now be available in Telugu as well. A Telugu dubbed trailer was recently launched announcing this update. The show will also be made available in other Indian languages as well. The thriller survival drama will now stream in Telugu and Tamil from November 26th.
Squid Game premiered on 17th September worldwide in the original Korean language as well as English. The show is being subsequently dubbed seeing the massive popularity in other languages as well. The series spans 9 episodes and follows the journey of contestants who have to fight death in order to win a massive prize amount.
The show has become an international blockbuster and has become the most popular and highest views Netflix original show of all time.
Netflix followed a similar strategy for its other blockbuster web series Money Heist as well. The show was released originally in Spanish and English and was later dubbed into regional Indian languages Telugu and Tamil on its growing popularity.