Telugu audiences are ready to watch and enjoy two new Telugu movies today in theaters, which are very different from each other in terms of story or genre. Those two films are Nikhil Siddhartha’s national thriller Spy and Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana – A family entertainer.
Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana is receiving good to excellent reports from the audiences and early reviews of critics as well. The comedy worked big time for the film and excluding songs and a few dips in the second half, everything has worked for the film and the overall talk is the film is a perfect family entertainer. Debut director Ram Abbaraju has made the film with a very engaging screenplay.
Nikhil’s Spy opens with Average reports. The talk from the early shows and overseas premiers is that a few sequences worked really well and a few were not up to the mark. It is being said that the director failed to establish the strong characterizations which are very much needed for this genre. However, a few scenes came out so well, which is a big plus for the movie and some scenes fell flat, which is the minus point for the movie.
Overall, as of now, Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana leads in FDFS talk from the audiences while Nikhil’s much awaited Spy received a bit of an underwhelming response. We need to wait for the day end to see where both the films talk settles.