This weekend, the Telugu film audiences saw the release of 2 movies, one was a simple small-budget film Samajavaragamana. On the other hand, comparatively, a big-budget Pan-Indian film in the form of Spy was released. Before the release, all the expectations were centered around Spy, but the film failed to impress the audiences and Samajavaragamana emerged as the winner in the end. Let’s take a look at the 1St weekend box office performance of both films.
After a good opening day, Nikhil’s Spy witnessed a big drop on the 1St weekend. The film has collected around 8.5 Crores share worldwide, which will be the 50% recovery for the film’s business, and it is likely to end up us a loss venture at the box office.
Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana had a very slow start at the box office, but it picked up the momentum over the 1st weekend, achieved breakeven for all the parties with the weekend itself. The film has collected around 5.2 Crores share worldwide and the trade circles are expecting it to perform well in the coming weekdays as well.
Despite being a small film, Samajavaragamana attracted crowds to the theaters. The main reason for this is the pure entertainment filled in the film, while the premier shows that garnered rave reviews from the public were another reason as well.