It is very well known to everyone that the Malayalam film 2018, which was released recently, is creating a sensation at the box office. With each passing day, the film is creating records. Already, 2018 Movie has crossed Mohan Lal’s Puli Murugan which was the previous highest grosser of Mollywood, and became the new industry hit. Now the film has achieved one more rare feat by becoming the first Malayalam film to cross the 150 Cr Gross mark worldwide.
There are three other films from South Indian Cinema which have been the first ones to get this remarkable achievement for their respective industries. Those three movies are Baahubali The Beginning from Telugu, Shivaji The Boss from Tamil and KGF Chapter 1 from the Kannada film industry.
Superstar Rajinikanth – Director Shankar’s Shivaji (2007) was the 1st 150Cr+ grosser of Kollywood and it was also the 1st South Indian film to collect 150Cr gross mark worldwide. The film was released amidst humongous hype because of the actor director combination.
SS Rajamouli and Prabhas’s Baahubali The Beginning was the 1st 150Cr+ grosser from Tollywood and it was also the all-time south India’s highest grosser at that time. Baahubali had also big hype before the release, but many thought that Rajamouli was making a big mistake, and it will be proven risky at the box office, but the film astonished everyone with its massive success.
Prashanth Neel and Yash’s KGF Chapter 1 was the 1st 150Cr+ grosser from Sandalwood and the film also became a game changer film for the Kannada industry. With the Pan Indian movies trend getting more competitive, there will be more and more money spinners from all the film industries in the near future.