Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi released worldwide on Friday and it has set the box-office on a roll. This police action entertainer co-starring Katrina Kaif in lead has phased out the dullness from the Bollywood market with a solid performance on day one.
Sooryavanshi collected a whopping Rs 28 crores all India net on Day 1. This is the first major Bollywood release post the Covid second wave and the audience welcomed it with open arms. The film saw a nationwide footfall of around 14.5 lakhs on its opening day.
With decent reviews and a mass commercial subject in hand, this Rohit Shetty directorial is on the way towards a solid weekend. The film was supposed to release back in 2020. But, Covid spoiled all the plans made by the makers and kept pushing the release. Like other Bollywood biggies, Sooryavanshi also received multiple offers from OTT players. However, the makers straight out refused them all.