The Malayalam film 2018, having Tovino Thomas in the lead role, released as a small movie, but it has emerged as a massive blockbuster, and it is shaking the Kerala box office with the film witnessing a sensational hold on Monday. The film recorded exceptional occupancies in the morning shows despite being a working day and the way numbers have come, it looks like the film will collect more than Saturday numbers today. The trade circles are expecting that the movie has all the chances to challenge the biggest of Malayalam films, in its full run.
2018 Movie was released on the last weekend, and it is creating wonders at the box office as said above. The film started with 1.8 Crores gross on the opening day in Kerala and witnessed a big jump on Saturday by collecting 3.2 Crores Gross and on Sunday it collected more than 4 Crores now Monday is trending on par with Sunday, which is a sensational feat. The film is expected to break many records eventually and some trade experts are saying it might even become an industry hit.
The film is based on the actual events of the Kerala 2018 floods, is called the REAL Kerala story. The audience and critics have given excellent response to the film, which is helping the film to get unimaginable numbers. The Kerala audiences have always encouraged movies which have strong content, and this is just another case in which they have wholeheartedly supported a film with has heartwarming content.
The film consists a huge star cast in the form of Tovino Thomas, while Indrans, Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Asif Ali, Lal, Narain, Tanvi Ram, Sshivada, Kalaiyarasan, Aju Varghese, Siddique, Joy Mathew, Sudheesh, and others.