In the Telugu film industry, there have been some instances where the youth-centric films being bashed for their adult content, or cheap/ cuss words aimed at women. In 2017, director Ajay Bhupathi made a film called RX100, which was criticized for the negative portrayal of female character. Now the same is happening for the newly released small film, Baby.
Few audiences are praising it as a cult film while a few others are saying it is not all a good film as it has many foul dialogues which not only degrade the female character in the film, but also they are intended at the real life women. The film is creating massive controversy now as a video from the film leaked and went viral.
In the leaked video, the hero of the film, Anand Deverakonda, can be seen lashing at the heroine, Vaishnavi Chaitanya with bad words. Many netizens are criticizing hero Anand and the film’s writer/director Sai Rajesh asking like how can they such harmful scenes. It looks like the Controversy will become more heavy as it is only the first day of the film and the netizens are telling there will be more negative response to the film.
Vijay Bulganin has composed the music for the film, Baby, which has already received a tremendous response. Baby stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in the lead roles, and is written and directed by Sai Rajesh. The movie is produced by SKN under the Geetha Arts and Mass Movie Makers banner.