Starring Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin, and Vaishnavi Chaitanya in lead roles, Baby is an intense love drama. Directed by Sai Rajesh, the film is produced by SKN under MASS movie makers.
The film is releasing worldwide on July 14th.The teaser and songs are mesmerized the audience. Now today makers launched the Trailer in a grand event. Producer Bunny Vass heaps praise on Baby producer SKN. He said, “Allu Arjun and Vijay Devarakonda are the reason we’re standing here right now.”
“After the Pelli choopulu, my friend SKN saw the spark in Vijay Deverakonda and made the film Taxiwala with him,” he continued. I recognised the same spark in him and chose him for Geetha Govindam. He gave us both blockbusters.”
Taxiwala and Geetha Govindam are two of Vijay Deverakonda’s most successful films. Both films were memorable under the banners of Mass Movie Makers and GA2 Pictures.