SJ Suryah is charging record remuneration for Nani’s film. The renowned actor and director has become the most wanted artist in the South Indian film industry. It is widely known that Natural Star Nani and Director Vivek Athreya joined hands again for a new film ( Saripodha Sanivaram). For this film, the team has finalized SJS for the main antagonist role, and the inside reports suggest that SJ Suryah is charging a record remuneration for Nani’s film.
Reportedly, he is charging 10Cr remuneration for this film. In Tamil movies, his brand is working well for the films. But in Telugu, giving 10Cr remuneration for a villain Character actor is enormous. The team feels SJ Suryah’s image will help the movie’s nontheatrical business and Tamil theatrical release as well. We need to see how it works finally.
DVV Danayya is the film’s producer, and he is taking a considerable risk on the movie as he is putting a massive budget on this combination, which is a very daring decision. Nani is also said to have charged more than 25Cr remuneration. So with remunerations, the film’s budget will go beyond 50Cr for this film. The overall budget may be near 100Cr.
Saripodha Sanivaram’s teaser was released recently and raised the anticipation to another level. Actress Priyanka Arul Mohan plays the female lead in the film.