Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film, reportedly involved six action directors from all over the world, which includes the names like Spiro Razatos, Yannick Ben and Craig Macrae among others, for the footage of adrenaline action sequences in the film.
The reports indicate that Jawan’s action was choreographed by six of the biggest action directors, Spiro Razatos, Yannick Ben, Craig Macrae, Kecha Khamphakdee, Sunil Rodrigues, and Anal Arasu. They have choreographed the action for some of the best films, of global level.
According to reports, Jawan the film consists of a variety of action formats, which include hand-to-hand combat, exhilarating bike sequences, heart-pounding truck and car chases, and more. The cinematic experience is enhanced by these carefully designed action sequences, which add depth and realism to the film’s narrative.
The inside reports indicate that Jawan has turned into a thrilling action entertainer due to the combined talents of these six exceptional action directors. Definitely, this care and quality in the action sequences of Jawan will help its box office prospects.
Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film will be released in theaters worldwide on September 7th in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.