Siva Karthikeyan has just hit a huge milestone in South Indian cinema! His latest movie, Amaran, has crossed the impressive 250-crore mark in just 12 days, putting him in an elite group of actors. Siva Karthikeyan is now the 11th South Indian actor to reach this coveted level and only the fourth from Kollywood, following the legendary Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, and Vijay. Though Ponniyin Selvan also made it past this milestone, its multi-starrer nature places it in a slightly different league.
This achievement reflects the strong presence of South Indian cinema, particularly Tollywood, which has had many of its stars surpass the 250-crore mark. Big names like Prabhas, Ram Charan, Jr. NTR, Allu Arjun, and even rising star Teja Sajja (thanks to Hanuman) have all made it to this level. The pan-Indian appeal of hits like Baahubal,RRR, Pushpa i has helped Tollywood build an impressive fan base nationwide.
Kannada cinema, too, has seen its share of success, with Yash and Rishabh Shetty both making it to the 250-crore club. Yash’s ‘KGF’ series and Rishabh’s ‘Kantara’ have been instrumental in boosting Sandalwood’s profile across India. Malayalam cinema is yet to see an actor join this high-grossing club, but with its growing popularity, it may just be a matter of time before Mollywood reaches this milestone too.