Renowned Telugu lyricist Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry passed away on Tuesday. The 66-year-old lyricist, who was awarded the Padma Shri in 2019, reportedly died of lung cancer. After the news of Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry’s death, Twitter was deluged with tributes for the late lyricist from members from Tollywood.
The legendary lyricist was admitted in KIMS, Hyderabad on 24th November after developing respiratory complications. He was shifted to the ICU immediately where he was under round-the-clock observation before he breathed his last today at 4:07 PM.
Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry wrote over 2000 songs in his career. He rose to popularity with his song Vidhatha Thalapuna for K Viswanath’s 1986 film Sirivennela.