Tamil Actor Suriya’s upcoming film, Kanguva is made on a large scale directed by Siva. The film will be released in Pan India level in all languages. But the team has made a mistake by not announcing the release date even after wrapping the entire shoot. The team says they don’t want to pressurise themselves because of a release window and compromise on film’s output. So, there will be a single release date option for Kanguva.
The team of Kanguva says they would announce the release only after post production works get finished. But this would affect the Industry as films lock release dates in advance. Kanguva is expected to arrive in September or October. There are 3 films lined up in these months. Vijay’s The GOAT will be released in September 5th as officially announced by the makers. Vettaiyan starring Rajinikanth will release on October 10th and Ajith’s Vidaa Muyarchi will arrive in October. There are many Telugu films as well.
November will be a dry period with no Holiday season. So the best release date would be during Christmas. But if they postpone it to next year Sankranthi, there are many films from both Telugu and Tamil languages. Ajith’s upcoming film has already been announced for sankranthi. So it would be best to release the film during Christmas season. Let’s see what the team will do.