Singham Again, the third installment of Bollywood film, Singham trailer has been released today. The trailer was nearly 5 minutes long and starred other Bollywood biggies, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Tiger Shroff, Deepika Padukone and Kareena Kapoor. The film was made as a Cop Universe by the Director Rohit Shetty from all his earlier films, Simmba and Sooryavanshi. He has also added the theme of Ramayana to the film interestingly.
Bollywood Actor, Arjun Kapoor is playing the baddie role in the film. He was also termed as the modern-age Raavana in the film. The film also follows with him kidnapping Kareena Kapoor and other stars coming in rescue of her. The film is completely filled with heavy action episodes and fun moments as well.
The trailer has been getting mixed response. Some liked the concept of Ramayana being used while someothers felt the Action part going overboard. Singham Again is scheduled for release on 1st November this year as Diwali release. Co-produced by both Ajay Devgan and Rohit Shetty the film has high expectations from fans and audiences. Rohit Shetty is also looking to establish big records with Singham Again.