For the past few weeks, the rumors of the divorce of Tollywood Singers Hemachandra and Sravana Bhargavi have been doing rounds on social media. Several websites also reported unverified reports much to the anxiousness of the fans of the singers.
Both Hemachandra and Sravana Bhargavi have a big following on social media and have been hounded by questions on these ever since.
Giving rest to these rumours, Hemachandra made a rather interesting post on Instagram. “Unnecessary, Irreavant, stupid information spreads much faster than my independent songs.” he wrote.
The singer also added that this post was dedicated to “stupidity & people who r ready to waste their time.” He also asked people to check out his new song ‘One Love’
Earlier Sravana Bhargarvi also shared a post on Instagram about the whole situation. “In the past few days, My Youtube views have gone up, My Instagram followers have increased, I’m getting more work than I usually do, I’m earning more than I usually do. Good call. Right or wrong, Media is a blessing Random Thought,” she posted
The couple tied the knot in 2013 in presence of their close friends and family members. They were blessed with a daughter in 2016.