Siddharth Mallya, the son of business tycoon Vijay Mallya, a few days ago announced on social media that his “Wedding week has commenced”. Siddharth has been dating Jasmine for quite some time and it was only recently that they made the marriage announcement. The couple’s wait is now over as they have finally exchanged vows in London.
In the photos posted by the bride herself, Jasmine is wearing a white wedding dress and is holding her husband Sidhartha Mallya’s gold wedding band.
Vijay Mallya, the father of the groom and the former owner of Kingfisher Airlines, is sought in India for not paying back bank loans totalling Rs 9,000 crore. When public sector banks moved the Debt Recovery Tribunal in 2016, the senior Mallya left India. The government is attempting to extradite him from London, United Kingdom. In 2012, his airline went bankrupt.
Siddharth was previously rumoured to be dating Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone. They were spotted together in a few IPL matches. However, their relationship allegedly did not end well.