Tamil actor Siddharth, who once was also familiar with the Telugu audience, tried to score a hit with his latest movie Takkar, which was released a few weeks before. Siddharth was so sure and confident that the film will redefine his onscreen image. He stated that this movie will launch him as a full-fledged action hero, as so far everyone remembers and likes him as a romantic hero.
However, the film, Takkar, received unanimous negative talk and the film bombed at the box office in both Telugu and Tamil languages. After failing to attract the audience in the theaters, the film is now streaming on OTT on the most famous digital platform, Netflix.
Takkar was released with a decent buzz in both Telugu and Tamil languages. Siddharth did aggressive promotions for this film, but sadly the film failed at the box office. Now the film is streaming on OTT through Netflix. Let’s see whether the film gets a bit of positive response in the digital release or not.
Karthik G. Krish has written and directed Takkar. Divyansha Kaushik is the female lead in the film. Abhimanyu Singh, Yogi Babu, Munishkanth, RJ Vigneshkanth appeared in the other key roles.
Takkar tells us the story of Gunashekhar, who is also known as “Guns”, is a reckless young man and dreams of getting rich. He faces troubles in achieving his dreams and his path weaves into Lucky, a rich girl who believes that money is the source of all trouble. How the couple get along and what problems did they face on the journey? Who is Kidnapper Raas, and why is he after them? Answers to these questions form the rest of the story.