In an unexpected turn of events, Hero Siddharth got emotional and was in tears during a promotional event for his upcoming film, Chinna. After a long time, Siddharth came to Hyderabad to promote his new film. He got emotional while speaking on stage. He was shocked to say that he and his film were insulted by a few people in the Telugu film industry. Chithha is the latest film of Siddharth which was released on September 28th in Tamil, and it is getting released in Telugu on October 6th.
Despite being a Tamil actor, Siddharth has gained a lot of craze with many super hit Telugu films. However, in the last few years, there has been a decline in Telugu offers. After a long time, he acted in the film ‘Maha Samudram’ and it flopped badly. Siddharth recently made a film called ‘Chithha’ by acting and producing it himself. It was released in Tamil last week and got hit talk. The film is now getting released in Telugu as ‘Chinna’. He was upset that no one had come forward to buy the film.
Siddharth said that Udhayanidhi Stalin said”I have never seen a better film than this,”who bought the film in Tamil. “ Even in Kerala, the biggest distributor who produced KGF had taken my film and when it came to Telugu, people questioned “Who will watch Siddharth’s film?” I believe that if I make a good movie, the audience will see it. At that time Asian Sunil garu came to me and said that we are with you and will be distributing the film in Telugu. Thank you very much to them” said Siddharth.
He went on to say that he does not belong to the list of people who beg audiences to watch their film by saying things like this are present in the film. “ If you believe and like movies, go to the theater and watch ‘Chinna’. After watching this, if you feel like not watching Siddharth’s movies in Telugu’. I will not hold any more press meets in Telugu” Siddharth broke down in tears saying that he will not come here again if Chinna flops in Telugu.