For a long-time Siddharth, the renowned Star Actor in the South Indian film industry, has been struggling as the hero because of facing many flops. Though he tried to come up with different kinds of films, he faced failures continuously. Siddharth’s latest film, Chithha is receiving exceptional response with rave review and its box office performance is also getting improved, and finally, he scores a box office hit with this film.
Siddharth had put many hopes on his previous film, Thakkar and promoted well but the film did not work at the box office. Now with his latest film, Chithha which has been released this weekend and the film opens with below par numbers, but it got extraordinary word of mouth, which is helping the film increase collections day by day and on the Sunday the movie has witnessed a big jump in collections.
Even for Monday, the advance bookings trend is looking superb and finally Siddharth has scored a box office hit after a longtime.
The film, made with a sensitive backdrop, features Siddharth in an intense role, with Nimisha Sajayan as his love interest and Sahasra Shree playing his niece. Chittha was released on September 28th in Tamil, and it will be released on October 6th in Telugu.
Chithha features a talented crew, including Balaji Subramanyam (cinematography), Suresh A Prasad (editing), CS Balachandar (art direction), and Vinoth Thanigasalam (sound design), with music by Dhibu Ninan Thomas and background music by Vishal Chandrasekhar.