Actor Siddharth has faced a lot of backlash for his insensitive and crass statement that he made about Saina Nehwal last week. The actor has faced the ire of netizens, other celebrities, and the issue was even forwarded to the National Commission of Women.
Seeing the way his Tweet has snowballed into a massive issue, the actor who first brushed off his comment as a joke has now apologized to the Olympic medalist Saina. The ‘Mahasamudram’ actor has now deleted the controversial tweets.
Siddharth said that though he belongs to the opposing ideology, what he said was not very kind and he regretted making that ‘joke’. He further added that he had no intention to attack Saina or her gender personally and that he is a staunch feminist and an ally.
Siddharth called Saina his champion and hoped that the ace badminton player would put this issue behind her. After Siddharth’s malicious comments, Saina Nehwal’s husband and fellow Badminton player Parupalli Kashyap and her father raised strong objection and expressed disappointment.