Actress Shruti Haasan made a comeback to the big screen earlier this year after a gap of 4 years. Ever since she made a comeback, she has been on a signing spree. Post her successful comeback with Krack, she appeared again for a brief role in Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab. She has also signed up as a female lead in Prabhas’ Salaar.
Shruti will also be seen opposite Vijay Sethupathi in the soon-to-release Tamil political thriller Laabam. Now we hear that Shruti will be seen in another big film opposite a senior actor.
There are reports that she will be seen opposite Balakrishna in the Gopichand Malineni film. Shruti has already worked with Gopichand Malineni in Balupu and Krack and there are chances that this combo might be repeated again. The untitled Balakrishna- Malineni will reportedly have two actresses.
Balakrishna, meanwhile is busy with action drama Akhanda and will move on to Malineni’s film once he finishes the Akhanda. Currently this film is in pre-production stage.