Suriya and Karthik Subbaraj’s upcoming film, Suriya 44 (tentative title), is now under production, with filming in full gear. Although the producers are currently filming, recent sources indicate that actress Shriya Saran will make a special appearance in the Suriya-starring film.
According to sources, Shriya Saran will perform alongside Suriya in a catchy dance number composed by Santhosh Narayanan. The actress reportedly finished recording her scenes during the Ooty schedule and will appear alongside Suriya in Karthik Subbaraj’s movie.
Suriya 44 production has been progressing rapidly, with the team just closing up shooting in Ooty after many weeks. The production has now relocated to Kerala for a short period of time. A recent fan photo of Suriya in Kerala verifies the location change with the Tamil actor dressed in a classic style for the film. Suriya has been having a good time with fans in Kerala. According to reports, after a few days of shooting, the team will take a short break. Nearly 70% of the film has already been shot, and the full production is slated to be completed in October.