A week after his Instagram debut, Pawan Kalyan shared his first post. And it’s a video dedicated to his peers in the movie business, including big stars, directors, actresses, and character artists. In the video, we can spot big stars like Chiranjeevi, Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, Ram Charan, Mahesh Babu, Vijay, and Karthi. However shockingly comedian Ali who was a close friend of Pawan Kalyan for many days, is completely missing from the journey.
Pawan Kalyan’s first post on Instagram was a tribute to the film industry. This video captures the actors’ precious moments with other stars of the film industry. Alongside major stars, heroines Ileana D Cruz, Kajal Aggarwal, Nithya Menen, and supporting actors like Brahmaji, Brahmanandam, and many more are visible in the video. Pawan also mentioned that he is grateful to be a member of the film industry and honored to work with such great personalities.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Powerstar wrote in the caption, “I sincerely hope that our bond remains the same, and that we continue to create cherished memories together…”
But as said above, comedian Ali missing in the video had surprised everyone. Ali was the best friend of Pawan Kalyan until few years back and in almost all the movies of Pawan Kalyan Ali got good roles but due to the politics, the differences have happened between the two friends. Which is why in his industry journey post Pawan Kalyan has put all the images of artists from small to big, but ignored Ali.