Gandeevadhari Arjuna starring Varun Tej and Sakshi Vaidya released last week amidst zero interest from the audience, registering the worst opening of the actor’s career. The film was made on a massive budget in Varun Tej’s career but shockingly witnessed a disastrous opening ever in his career.
Directed by Praveen Sattaru, this action thriller has received negligible shares in all territories and the overall worldwide share will be less than 1Cr after opening day. This shows what kind of disastrous opening the film has got.
The trend continued over the weekend as well. Normally 1st Sunday is the biggest for any film and most of the films will collect bigger than opening day on the 1st Sunday. Much to the shock of everyone, Gandeevadhari Arjuna saw deficits on 1st Sunday and failed to collect the shares itself and most of the theatres. After poor word-of-mouth negative reviews and zero pre-release buzz, the audience completely avoided the film.
The film also stars Nassar, Roshini Prakash, Manish Chaudhari, Abhinav Gomatam, Ravi Varma, Kalpalatha, and Baby Vedain. The movie, which is produced by Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, has its music composed by Mickey J Meyer.