Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan also runs a political party Janasena. The Actor, at first promised of working for all people irrespective of religions and caste. But the Actor ultimately aligned with BJP which is popular for its Hindutva based politics. Now, Pawan Kalyan seems to be following the same path of BJP and doing full-time Hindutva politics.
The Actor cum politician is currently in a deeksha protesting the alleged mishandling of Laddu preparation in Tirumala temple of AP. The Actor had also bashed the former AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy and blamed him indirectly for this as well. Now, surprisingly, the Actor has gone overboard by firing on both Tamil Actor Karthi and Prakash Raj for their recent comments about the incident. Pawan Kalyan opined that they had to respect Sanathana Dharma.
These actions of Pawan Kalyan have completely shocked everyone. No one imagined that Pawan Kalyan would be doing the Hindutva politics just like BJP. The Actor seems to have completely forgotten that he belongs to Janasena but not BJP. Such religious politics are completely unfortunate from his side. He once even boasted himself of giving priority to all religions and caste. But we couldn’t hear him praising other religions and castes now-a-days instead exhibiting Hindu rituals and traditions through ethnic wears.
Pawan Kalyan is also getting trolled on social media platforms for his double standard talks on religions. Some Netizens can’t even believe how Pawan Kalyan was acting on the lines of BJP when he has himself an independent party. Well, this is absolutely unfortunate from the Actor cum Politician.