Akhil Akkineni is all set to come up with his latest Pan India film, Agent. The film has been made on a massive budget, and it is the biggest budget film in Tier-2 Heroes. According to the inside and trade circles reports, the movie’s budget is said to be over 80 Crores. So, everyone thought it will do a good job at the pre-release business.
Even the makers also felt the same and at one time they have quoted 60 Crores ratios for the Telugu States rights of the film, but they have sold the Telugu States and Karnataka rights to Gayatri films. They have sold the Telugu states for 35 Crores, which is a very low price considering the movie’s budget. The Karnataka rights will be around 4 crores.
In a way, we can say that the low business might help the buyers make massive profits because the genre of the film is an action thriller, it can draw crowds in unthinkable state if the talk comes good.
The first single from Akhil Akkineni’s Agent was dropped recently, and the song impressed the audience with peppy and foot-tapping tune. Malli Malli, a romantic single from the movie, was released on Twitter Space arranged by the film producers in which the hero Akhil was also present. The song was pictured on the leading pair of Akhil and Sakshi Vaidya. Shot in exotic locations, the song featured great visuals and upbeat music, marking a grand beginning to the movie’s album.
Akhil’s Agent is directed by Surender Reddy and this pan-India action thriller is being produced by AK Entertainments and Surender 2 Cinema. The film was launched back in April 2021 and after almost 2 years of filming, it has reached its final stage. Excluding a major action sequence, they have completed all other shooting parts.
Malayalam star Mammootty is essaying a vital character in this film. Mammootty’s character in this film would be central to Akhil Akkineni’s Agent and will drive it. Surender Reddy’s stylish taking will be the main highlight of the movie, slated for an April 28th release.