Tollywood Dance Choreographer, Jani Master who was recently jailed for allegedly involving in a sexual assault against a female Dance choreographer has resurfaced again. The Choreographer, who kept himself busy spending time with his wife and kids, appeared for a film event to everyone’s shock. This gives rise to a serious question, Is Jani Master still allowed in Tollywood? And if allowed who is behind this?
A person who was alleged of assualting a female colleague repeatedly must be kept away from a Film Industry or its activities. And moreover, this case is also before the court which may even convict him if necessary. So, how did Jani Master casually appear for events as if nothing had happened. He was earlier removed from the Dance Association Body as well. And no one knows how this was allowed to happen shockingly. And if he is allowed to participate in film activities, why suspending him earlier from these posts?
If such assault cases or allegations are taken casually by the elite section of Tollywood and the Film Chamber, then it may send a wrong signal for others. Strict action must be taken by the Movie Artistes Association (MAA) in this regard by containing him till the verdict is pronounced by the Court.