Kanguva starring Suriya released yesterday worldwide amid huge expectations. The film was expected to become a big Pan India sensation from Kollywood as well. But, to everyone’s shock, the film generated a unanimous negative response from the audience with below par opening revenue. Kanguva has also encountered a shocking Day 2 performance at the box office.
Kanguva has grossed more than 40 crores worldwide on Day 1. This is very low given the whopping 400 crores pre-bizz done for the film. However, it stands as the highest opener in Suriya’s career till now. Surprisingly, Kanguva’s word of mouth has a similarity with Indian 2. Both received equal amount of negativity on the opening day itself but Indian 2 had managed to put decent numbers at the end of the weekend.
But this is not the case with Kanguva which seems to have crashed on Day 2 itself all over the country. Day 2’s gross is expected to be in a single digit number giving a look at how the film has been trashed completely on Day 2 of the release.
Trade analysts believe that Kanguva may even feel it very difficult to score 100 crores gross in the full run if it goes at this pace. It may even end up below 100 crores gross worldwide. This will indeed be a major shock for the team of Kanguva which expected to score 1000 crores like Baahubali. The Producer of the film is also getting trolled heavily for the passage of his comments earlier praising Kanguva’s range. Kanguva will be a very heavy loss venture for all the parties involved.