Dr. Shiva Rajkumar, the Kannada superstar, has expressed his regret for a disturbing incident that happened on Thursday, 28 September involving Tamil actor-producer Siddharth. Actor Siddharth visited Bengaluru to promote his latest film Chikku, a Kannada dubbed version of the Tamil movie Chithha. Siddharth was addressing journalists at a public interaction when a group of pro-Kannada activists barged in.
The promotions were stopped by activists who created a ruckus, resulting in the Tamil actor being forced to leave the venue abruptly. However, he urged the Karnataka audience to watch and support his work.
Dr Shiva Rajkumar, who was addressing the agitation by the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC) to support the Karnataka bandh over the Cauvery River water this afternoon, expressed profound sadness for the incident involving Siddharth.
“We should never hurt the feelings of others in any manner. On behalf of the Kannada film industry, we are very sorry, Siddharth. I do not know who were those who did that, but we are deeply pained by it. This will never be repeated,” the Kannada superstar tendered an apology.
Shiva Rajkumar mentioned that people in Karnataka are good at heart, and they always helped people from other languages in the state by watching films in all languages.
“Kannada people have earned great respect and admiration across the globe. There is no other place like Karnataka where all kinds of people, languages, and cultures exist with mutual respect. We should protect the respect which we have earned globally,” Shivanna added.